When All Else Fails Quotes Funny

If All Else Fails Famous Quotes & Sayings

List of top 82 famous quotes and sayings about if all else fails to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 82 If All Else Fails Quotes

#1. I think it's really important to be kind, especially to people whose lives are grim - I try hard to cheer people up in as many ways as I can - if all else fails - I tell 'em a joke! - Author: Jo Brand

If All Else Fails Quotes #854857

#2. We can be the very first generation which fails to see the logic or pride in defining ourselves by anything else but what is found within ourselves: our values - Author: Akilnathan Logeswaran

If All Else Fails Quotes #987781

#3. My flute, M. Poirot, is my oldest companion. When everything else fails, music remains. - Author: Agatha Christie

If All Else Fails Quotes #984318

#4. The bill then says if the Senate does not act, then H.R. 1 (the House-passed bill that cuts $61 billion) will be the law of the land. In addition to that, it says that if all else fails , and the Senate brings about a shutdown, then members should not get their pay. - Author: Eric Cantor

If All Else Fails Quotes #954974

#5. A man can spend his whole existence never learning the simple lesson that he has only one life and that if he fails to do what he wants with it, nobody else really cares.
Louis Auchincloss - Author: Louis Auchincloss

If All Else Fails Quotes #943883

#6. Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else. - Author: Tom Peters

If All Else Fails Quotes #941518

#7. Easy," he muttered under his breath. "Save the foolish heroics for the 'all-else-fails' part of the program. - Author: Thomas M. Reid

If All Else Fails Quotes #906385

#8. You think education is something to be done when all else fails? - Author: T.H. White

If All Else Fails Quotes #906201

#9. I have three rules to live by: Get your work done. If that doesn't work, shut up and drink your gin, and when all else fails, run like hell. - Author: Ray Bradbury

If All Else Fails Quotes #895741

#10. When all else fails, start running! - Author: Dean Karnazes

If All Else Fails Quotes #892570

#11. With all the movies I've done, I still get recognized from my episode of 'Law & Order' more than anything else. It never fails. - Author: Anthony Mackie

If All Else Fails Quotes #872588

#12. When all else fails, dress beautifully and throw your food. - Author: Gail Carriger

If All Else Fails Quotes #1003365

#13. You know what, I'm going to say this and I mean it, if all else fails and I've got to shake, rattle 'n' roll and get on the woo-wop, this is going to be my heeyah zone. - Author: Snoop Dogg

If All Else Fails Quotes #835978

#14. I have tried to live my life by: I cannot control others. I can only control myself and my reactions to others. And when all else fails, I choose kindness. I show compassion. Then, if I have made poor choices, I have at least not damaged my spirit. - Author: P.C. Cast

If All Else Fails Quotes #827359

#15. The great end of all arts is to make an impression on the imagination and the feeling. The imitation of nature frequently does this. Sometimes it fails and something else succeeds. - Author: Joshua Reynolds

If All Else Fails Quotes #787181

#16. I am here because when all else fails, when all the other mighty gods have gone off to war, I am all that's left. Home. Hearth. I am the last Olympian. - Author: Rick Riordan

If All Else Fails Quotes #775054

#17. When all else fails, and to stand firm seems impossible, stand on the wood of the Cross; it will float with you. - Author: Marie Leszczynska

If All Else Fails Quotes #757860

#18. Be. Here. NOW. Don't forget to breathe. When all else fails, grab a clown nose. - Author: Tom Bergeron

If All Else Fails Quotes #754359

#19. [W]hen all else fails, kill it with fire. - Author: Larry Correia

If All Else Fails Quotes #747728

#20. The best doctor in the world is yourself:
Diagnose yourself with your heart
Treat yourself with your mind
Take care of yourself with your spirit
Maintain yourself with your body
If all else fails get a second opinion. - Author: Steven Aitchison

If All Else Fails Quotes #746329

#21. When all else fails, there's always delusion. - Author: Conan O'Brien

If All Else Fails Quotes #736400

#22. When all else fails, go for the ego. - Author: Val McDermid

If All Else Fails Quotes #1199230

#23. if all else fails you can read - Author: Louisa May Alcott

If All Else Fails Quotes #1747094

#24. If all else fails and you don't know what to wear, put on a black dress, and you'll be happy. - Author: Lily Donaldson

If All Else Fails Quotes #1577631

#25. If all else fails, we then factor (fall) into our equation. And pray hard, someone factors (catching us) into theirs. - Author: Noor Iskandar

If All Else Fails Quotes #1530250

#26. If all else fails, we will simply have to drug our attendants, overpower the guards, raise the oppressed peasants to arms, and take over the government. - Author: Elizabeth Peters

If All Else Fails Quotes #1393271

#27. When all else fails, you can always damn yourself with a necessary evil, for the greater good. - Author: Simon R. Green

If All Else Fails Quotes #1336706

#28. If all else fails, a few deep breaths. - Author: Amber Valletta

If All Else Fails Quotes #1318626

#29. If all else fails, you could wait for the first corner and tie his dreadlocks to the goalpost. - Author: Vinnie Jones

If All Else Fails Quotes #1288846

#30. If all else fails, pillage the fridge. - Author: Rene Gutteridge

If All Else Fails Quotes #1240707

#31. Once you're on stage you can't go back, even when things go wrong people expect you to stay there and entertain them. When all else fails, you've got to try tap dancing. - Author: Angus Young

If All Else Fails Quotes #1200596

#32. When all else fails to organize the people, conditions will. - Author: Marcus Garvey

If All Else Fails Quotes #714036

#33. When all else fails, take a vacation. - Author: Betty Williams

If All Else Fails Quotes #1176234

#34. The worst madman is the one who fails to consider the possibility of somebody else being mad too. - Author: Vladimir Nabokov

If All Else Fails Quotes #1155543

#35. Celebrate your success and find humor in your failures. Don't take yourself so seriously. Loosen up and everyone around you will loosen up. Have fun and always show enthusiasm. When all else fails, put on a costume and sing a silly song. - Author: Sam Walton

If All Else Fails Quotes #1149174

#36. When all else fails, use the pen.

EMW - Author: Erik Martin Willen

If All Else Fails Quotes #1098893

#37. God knows the feelings in every human heart. He can soften sorrow and lead when there seems to be no light. Prayer can give guidance and confidence. It reminds us that no one need be alone in this world. If all else fails, remember, God and one other person can be a family. - Author: Marvin J. Ashton

If All Else Fails Quotes #1085496

#38. When all else fails, when you hit a brick wall, let the enemy reveal themselves by giving them what they're looking for. - Author: Jane Prowse

If All Else Fails Quotes #1081385

#39. Suicide may be a choice, but not as much as it is expected when everything else fails. - Author: Mark Brightlife

If All Else Fails Quotes #1072011

#40. Beware of addictive medicines. Everything in moderation. This applies particularly to the Internet and your sofa. The physical world is ultimately the source of all inspiration. Which is to say, if all else fails : take a bike ride. - Author: Aaron Koblin

If All Else Fails Quotes #1051356

#41. A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely. In the hour of need, when all else fails, we remember him upon whose knees we sat when children, and who soothed our sorrows; and even though he may be unable to assist us, his mere presence serves to comfort and strengthen us. - Author: Emile Gaboriau

If All Else Fails Quotes #1013594

#42. When all else fails, God never fails. - Author: Lailah Gifty Akita

If All Else Fails Quotes #201589

#43. If all else fails, stop drop and roll..works for me.. - Author: Melissa Mercer

If All Else Fails Quotes #377300

#44. When all else fails, tell the truth. - Author: Donald T. Regan

If All Else Fails Quotes #355065

#45. I can never be anything else but an American, and I must think of the United States first, and when I think of the United States first in an arrangement like this I am thinking of what is best for the world, for if the United States fails the best hopes of mankind fail with it. - Author: Henry Cabot Lodge

If All Else Fails Quotes #339314

#46. If your current get-rich project fails, take what you learned and try something else. Keep repeating until something lucky happens. The universe has plenty of luck to go around; you just need to keep your hand raised until it's your turn. It helps to see failure as a road and not a wall. - Author: Scott Adams

If All Else Fails Quotes #333237

#47. If all else fails, the character of a man can be recognized by nothing so surely as by a jest which he takes badly. - Author: Georg C. Lichtenberg

If All Else Fails Quotes #330870

#48. When all else fails, fresh tactics! - Author: John Travolta

If All Else Fails Quotes #295522

#49. Suicide is not a choice, it is what is left when everything else fails. - Author: Unknown

If All Else Fails Quotes #274276

#50. If all else fails, there's always print or web zines. - Author: Rudy Rucker

If All Else Fails Quotes #267168

#51. While trying to play God, all else fails - Author: D.L. Narrol

If All Else Fails Quotes #232308

#52. If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. - Author: John Kenneth Galbraith

If All Else Fails Quotes #208491

#53. Good writing does not succeed or fail on the strength of its ability to persuade. It succeeds or fails on the strength of its ability to engage you, to make you think, to give you a glimpse into someone else's head. - Author: Malcolm Gladwell

If All Else Fails Quotes #377701

#54. When all else fails the liberals call you names or attack your personality. - Author: Herman Cain

If All Else Fails Quotes #165380

#55. Prayer is of transcendent importance. Prayer is the mightiest agent to advance God's work. Praying hearts and hands only can do God's work. Prayer succeeds when all else fails. - Author: Edward McKendree Bounds

If All Else Fails Quotes #121809

#56. Minimalism is a girl's best asset, blend tones, smudge hard outlines; if all else fails ; Photoshop it. - Author: Judith Chambers

If All Else Fails Quotes #117499

#57. When all else fails, cleaning house is the perfect antidote to most of life's ills. - Author: Sue Grafton

If All Else Fails Quotes #106778

#58. In our brief national history we have shot four of our presidents, worried five of them to death, impeached one and hounded another out of office. And when all else fails, we hold an election and assassinate their character. - Author: P. J. O'Rourke

If All Else Fails Quotes #105598

#59. When all else fails, men turn to reason. - Author: E. O. Wilson

If All Else Fails Quotes #82247

#60. If all else fails, I could go to a train station and open up my saxophone case and make some bucks. I can do "Mary Had A Little Lamb," I can do "Happy Birthday." - Author: Sean Price

If All Else Fails Quotes #39630

#61. In the last analysis, the individual person is responsible for living his own life and for 'finding himself.' If he persists in shifting his responsibility to somebody else, he fails to find out the meaning of his own existence. - Author: Thomas Merton

If All Else Fails Quotes #35478

#62. When all else fails ... try smoking a good cigar and have a stiff drink. If that doesn't work ... have another. - Author: Timothy Pina

If All Else Fails Quotes #33692

#63. When all else fails, stare straight into the sun. - Author: Marty Rubin

If All Else Fails Quotes #518358

#64. A man's task is to find himself, and if he fails in this, it doesn't much matter what else he finds. - Author: William Manchester

If All Else Fails Quotes #712786

#65. When all else fails, don't take it in silence: scream like hell, scream like Jericho was tumbling down, serenaded by a brace of trombones, scream - Author: Dambudzo Marechera

If All Else Fails Quotes #665742

#66. When all else fails, write what your heart tells you. You can't depend on your eyes, when your imagination is out of focus. - Author: Mark Twain

If All Else Fails Quotes #642515

#67. When all else fails fall back on the truth.
No I'm a politician I can't tell the truth

Mara Cal Omas - Author: Walter Jon Williams

If All Else Fails Quotes #642250

#68. When all else fails, philosophize. - Author: J.M. Coetzee

If All Else Fails Quotes #624090

#69. The advantage of the cauliflower is that if all else fails , you can always cover it with melted cheese and eat it. - Author: William E. Simon

If All Else Fails Quotes #591976

#70. When all else fails, love more... - Author: Jean Williams

If All Else Fails Quotes #551657

#71. I was years older than you when I became an ambassador for the first time. Remember that, Tycho? How did we get through that assignment, anyway?"
"Pretty much, we opened fire on everyone who disagreed with us."
Wedge nodded and turned to his daughter. "When all else fails, just do that. - Author: Aaron Allston

If All Else Fails Quotes #535115

#72. She stared up at me, and there was something in her eyes, something that said we finally had an understanding. She was afraid of me, and sometimes that's the best you can do with people. I'd tried kindness. I'd tried friendship. I'd tried respect. But when all else fails, fear will do the job. - Author: Laurell K. Hamilton

If All Else Fails Quotes #532674

#73. In essence, sin is all that is in opposition to God. Sin defies God; it violates His character, His law, and His covenant. It fails, as Martin Luther put it, to 'let God be God.' Sin aims to dethrone God and strives to place someone or something else upon His rightful throne. - Author: Joel Beeke

If All Else Fails Quotes #15418

#74. If all else fails, birdie the last. - Author: Adam Derek Scott

If All Else Fails Quotes #496427

#75. When all else fails, complicate matters. - Author: Aaron Allston

If All Else Fails Quotes #469604

#76. I can't sleep,I can't but when all else fails I just breath ... - Author: Pamela Moore Scott

If All Else Fails Quotes #456849

#77. When the wind blows in your face,
when you feel you are losing your head,
when the going gets tough,
and when all else fails,
look inside you,
you are not alone. - Author: Malak El Halabi

If All Else Fails Quotes #447675

#78. The nature of show business is people within the business feel that if someone else fails, they move up a notch. - Author: Tom Arnold

If All Else Fails Quotes #421243

#79. But if all else fails , I can always write her a sonnet." "A sonnet?" said Hugh. "No woman can resist having her name rhymed with a flower in iambic pentameter," said Daniel. - Author: Helen Simonson

If All Else Fails Quotes #419429

#80. When All Else Fails, Just Write. - Author: E.N. Hardy

If All Else Fails Quotes #401564

#81. The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does, even if you murdered or robbed, ya it's wrong, but God loves, take one step toward him he'll take two toward you, even when all else fails, God'll support you - Author: Nas

If All Else Fails Quotes #382416

#82. When all else fails ... Love will always prevail! Shine your peace light of LOVE on all who may cross your path in life. You will make a difference! - Author: Timothy Pina

If All Else Fails Quotes #379275


Source: https://quotestats.com/topic/if-all-else-fails-quotes/

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